For the long-term service of the bucket, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the product and the metal from which the product is made. For the production of our buckets, we use metal only from the Swedish manufacturer SSAB, which guarantees a long service life.
The rotary hoe was developed primarily for processing corn crops. Damage to plants during the operation of a rotary hoe on corn is within 1%. The unique design of the working organs of the harrow makes it quite an effective solution for the fight against weeds and soil crust and also promotes nitrogen mineralization of plants in the growth phase up to 15 cm.
Telescopic Handler Man-Lift Basket are a universal solution for various tasks in construction, agriculture and other industries. Thanks to their unique design and ease of installation on a telehandler, they provide the opportunity to work safely and comfortably at heights or in hard-to-reach places.
Використання зубової борони в сільському господарстві допомагає забезпечити оптимальні умови для росту рослин, підвищити врожайність і зберегти родючість ґрунту на перспективу. Цей інструмент є надійним помічником фермерам у досягненні успіху в сільськогосподарській діяльності.